When searching for a competent complementary professional for your pet, the AAAOR (Alberta Association for Animal Owners' Rights) advises you to remember these 5 simple steps and the acronym, RELAX. (The first four steps can be done over the phone or via e-mail or online.)
Ask people that you trust such as your friends, family or veterinarians for referrals.
Inquire about the practitioner's education. Through which institute are they accredited? How much experience do they have? Do they belong to a provincial or national organization? Are they insured?
If you already know what therapy you are looking for, do your homework and educate yourself on that particular therapy. Your search information will likely leave you with questions.
Have questions prepared and written beforehand. Does the therapy work in conjunction with other therapies? Are there any risks or side-effects associated with the therapy?
The x-factor has to do with your gut feeling and intuition. When you meet the practitioner in person, how do you feel around them? How does your pet respond to their presence? Do you feel genuine compassion from them towards your pet? Are they professional? Do they keep records? Remember, it is YOU, the animal owner, who makes any final, informed decisions regarding your pet.
You may be wondering why I have added this section to my website. It is because I have nothing to hide. I am accredited, certified, insured and I belong to three professional organizations. I keep very detailed, expert records and I am passionate about helping dogs. There are no national or provincial laws, legislation, rules or regulations in Canada governing the certification of complementary professionals, so do your research. Make sure you are providing your pet with the best care they can possibly receive. I can provide that care that you are looking for. Visit my "Kind Words" and see what my clients have to say!
Mobile service based out of Nanaimo, BC
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